Thank you for supporting the Trivia of the Decades Fundraiser

Thank you for supporting the Trivia of the Decades Fundraiser

When I say “hip hip”, you say “HOORAY!” Thank you to all those who attended the Orillia Scottish Festival fundraiser, Trivia of the Decades. Our Co-Chair, Carrie, did a fantastic job as the Quizmaster arranging trivia that spanned from 1950’s through to 2010’s.  And included a general, true/false and music categories. Did you all learnContinue Reading Thank you for supporting the Trivia of the Decades Fundraiser

Winter Update

Winter Update

The Orillia Scottish Festival is incredibly excited to share with everyone our BRAND NEW logo! We would like to send our sincere thanks and gratitude to Tim Ash and Tasa Marketing and Design for all of their hard work and willingness to move through this process with us. Wondering about what to do for thisContinue Reading Winter Update