Thank you for supporting the Trivia of the Decades Fundraiser

Thank you for supporting the Trivia of the Decades Fundraiser

When I say “hip hip”, you say “HOORAY!” Thank you to all those who attended the Orillia Scottish Festival fundraiser, Trivia of the Decades. Our Co-Chair, Carrie, did a fantastic job as the Quizmaster arranging trivia that spanned from 1950’s through to 2010’s.  And included a general, true/false and music categories. Did you all learnContinue Reading Thank you for supporting the Trivia of the Decades Fundraiser

Thank you City of Orillia!  #ThankYouThursday For 45 years the #cityoforillia has been a partner and supporter of the Orillia Scottish Festival. The festival has been a repeated beneficiary of the City of Orillia Cultural Festivals and Events Grant Program and city staff – from city hall to employees in the park – have workedContinue Reading

Welcoming Rama Police Service Ceremonial Drum as part of Opening Ceremonies

Welcoming Rama Police Service Ceremonial Drum as part of Opening Ceremonies

We respectfully acknowledge that we are gathering on the traditional territory of the Anishnaabeg, specifically the Chippewas of Rama First Nation, a member of the Chippewa Tri-Council and Three Fires Confederacy, that continues to be home to many diverse First Nations, Metis and Inuit Peoples. These lands are covered by the Williams Treaties and Upper CanadaContinue Reading Welcoming Rama Police Service Ceremonial Drum as part of Opening Ceremonies

Tartan Day Event

Tartan Day Event

Join us on TARTAN DAY April 6th, 2023 Make plans to join the Orillia Scottish Festival Committee on April 6 as we return to Quayle’s Brewery to celebrate Tartan Day. The Brewery opens at noon. Live music from Patrick and Martin, 50/50 tickets, and more starting at 5pm. Scottish Ale and food are available for purchase.***OPEN TO ALL ANDContinue Reading Tartan Day Event

Access the Orillia Scottish Festival Schedule on Tripvia Tours App!

Access the Orillia Scottish Festival Schedule on Tripvia Tours App!

New this year! Download the Tripvia Tours app and have all details of the Orillia Scottish Festival at your fingertips! Maps, performance times, vendor details, etc. all can be found on the free tour in Tripvia Tours. Instructions: Download the app, select Tours, select Canada, select Ontario, select Orillia Scottish Festival. Download the Apple version:Continue Reading Access the Orillia Scottish Festival Schedule on Tripvia Tours App!